Personal Training

Jason Taniane has been successful coaching people since 1999 and has acquired in depth knowledge by working along side and learning from some of the best people in the health, exercise and wellness business. Jason has coached people from all walks of life from all over the world. He specializes in a one to one coaching environment where he will deliver you a specific tailored personal training session that will forward your progress towards your personal ambition. So lose fat, get toned, correct any posture Imbalances that you have got along the way and Build your Strength towards the new you, Because when you look good, you feel great.

The best investment you will ever make will be in you!


Personal Training for the Athlete

All Athletes will be required to commit to the minimum of two Personal Training sessions, the first session the athlete will undergo a comprehensive assessment allowing Jason to screen for postural structure misalignment, compensated movement patterns etc.

The second session will consist of a tailored routine on that day to maximize your performance for your sport or chosen field of endeavor.
  • Postural Assessment
  • Movement Patterns
  • Identification of weak link muscle groups
  • Strength Training
  • Power/ Speed/ Agility Training


Strength Programs

All Strength programs are two session commitment, the first session the athlete will undergo a comprehensive assessment allowing Jason to screen for postural structure misalignment, compensated movement patterns etc. 

You may or may not need to receive a 'corrective program' which you will follow for the appropriate time given, which then leads to the second session which will consist of a training session following your of your new Strength Program. The total time of the two meetings will be approx three hours in duration.

  • Postural Assessment
  • Movement Patterns
  • Identification of weak link muscle groups
  • Strength Training
  • Power/ Speed/ Agility Training

Tone up with your Home Program

Your schedule may leave your time limited, the gym isn't your scene, or you just need some solid advise and tips along to way to sculpt the body you desire at your home. Contact Jason for you very own home workout program, This is also two meeting commitment, the first one again is a comprehensive assessment allowing Jason to screen for postural structure misalignment, compensated movement patterns etc. Your second meeting is a practice run of your specific program tailored for you in your own home.

Also, ask if Jason is available to Personal Train you in your own home, it will freshen up your home workouts from time to time.


'Stiff/ Weak Lower Back', Sport Injury Rehabilitation

Jason is renowned for his success on the 'stiff/ weak lower backs syndrome'. The debilitating affect of a stiff/ weak lower back makes general life a struggle with an emotional thought from fear that at a certain or given time your back will get stiff or you may feel your back 'will go'. Working with Jason you will receive a comprehensive assessment followed by corrective measures that you will happily find that your stiff back will be turning into a strong back that you always knew you had..

Since starting out in 1999 Jason has been rehabilitating injuries from sport and life events. With years of practical experience and in depth knowledge in the field of sport and exercise, Jason has successfully rehabilitated people and athletes all over the world.